Dr. Zirna is announcing his retirement as of April 2025, at which point the office will be closing. Record transfer requests can be made by contacting the office.


Monday, 05 April 2021 00:00

How Can an Achilles Tendon Injury Occur?

The Achilles tendon is an integral part of having mobility in everyday activities. It is located in the back of the leg, and connects the calf muscles to the heel. It is considered to be the strongest tendon in the body, but can still become injured and cause pain. Injuries can happen as a result of playing sports, suddenly stepping off of a curb, or wearing high heels over an extended period of time. Many patients can endure a partial tear, which may occur from an Achilles tendon that has gradually become weak. A complete tear will most likely make walking impossible and immediate treatment is recommended. If you have experienced any type of injury to your Achilles tendon, please consult with a podiatrist who can effectively treat this condition.

Achilles tendon injuries need immediate attention to avoid future complications. If you have any concerns, contact Dr. Harry I. Zirna of Lockport Foot Care, PLLC. Dr. Zirna can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

What Is the Achilles Tendon?

The Achilles tendon is a tendon that connects the lower leg muscles and calf to the heel of the foot. It is the strongest tendon in the human body and is essential for making movement possible. Because this tendon is such an integral part of the body, any injuries to it can create immense difficulties and should immediately be presented to a doctor.

What Are the Symptoms of an Achilles Tendon Injury?

There are various types of injuries that can affect the Achilles tendon. The two most common injuries are Achilles tendinitis and ruptures of the tendon.

Achilles Tendinitis Symptoms

  • Inflammation
  • Dull to severe pain
  • Increased blood flow to the tendon
  • Thickening of the tendon

Rupture Symptoms

  • Extreme pain and swelling in the foot
  • Total immobility

Treatment and Prevention

Achilles tendon injuries are diagnosed by a thorough physical evaluation, which can include an MRI. Treatment involves rest, physical therapy, and in some cases, surgery. However, various preventative measures can be taken to avoid these injuries, such as:

  • Thorough stretching of the tendon before and after exercise
  • Strengthening exercises like calf raises, squats, leg curls, leg extensions, leg raises, lunges, and leg presses

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Lockport, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic tools and technology to treat your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about What are Achilles Tendon Injuries
Sunday, 04 April 2021 00:00

Reminder: When Was the Last Time...?

Custom orthotics, or shoe inserts, should be periodically replaced. Orthotics must fit properly to give you the best results. Protect your feet and ankles!

Monday, 29 March 2021 00:00

Did I Break My Foot?

The foot is made up of 26 bones, and a fracture to any of them can lead to complications. A broken foot can have a variety of causes including falls, trauma, or even conditions such as osteoporosis. When the foot is broken, a snap or cracking sound may be heard, and in severe cases, the bone may even protrude from the skin. A fracture will lead to pain and swelling in the area, and putting weight on the foot will be difficult. Patients who may have broken their foot should consult with a podiatrist in order to determine the area and severity of the stress fracture. A podiatrist will be able to provide a treatment method for the given situation

A broken foot requires immediate medical attention and treatment. If you need your feet checked, contact Dr. Harry I. Zirna from Lockport Foot Care, PLLC. Dr. Zirna can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Broken Foot Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

A broken foot is caused by one of the bones in the foot typically breaking when bended, crushed, or stretched beyond its natural capabilities. Usually the location of the fracture indicates how the break occurred, whether it was through an object, fall, or any other type of injury. 

Common Symptoms of Broken Feet:

  • Bruising
  • Pain
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Blue in color
  • Numbness
  • Cold
  • Misshapen
  • Cuts
  • Deformities

Those that suspect they have a broken foot shoot seek urgent medical attention where a medical professional could diagnose the severity.

Treatment for broken bones varies depending on the cause, severity and location. Some will require the use of splints, casts or crutches while others could even involve surgery to repair the broken bones. Personal care includes the use of ice and keeping the foot stabilized and elevated.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Lockport, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment for a Broken Foot
Monday, 22 March 2021 00:00

How Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Occurs

The tarsal tunnel is a small opening in the ankle that the posterior tibial nerve, which supplies sensation and movement to the foot, travels through. Tarsal tunnel syndrome occurs when the nerve is compressed and pressed on in this area, which can be painful and lead to a loss of sensation in the feet. This compression can be caused by a direct injury to the ankle, as well as other issues such as swelling, a cyst, or arthritis. Tarsal tunnel syndrome can feel like other foot and ankle injuries. If you are suspicious that you may be suffering from tarsal tunnel syndrome, consult with a podiatrist for a proper diagnosis.

Tarsal tunnel syndrome can be very uncomfortable to live with. If you are experiencing tarsal tunnel syndrome, contact Dr. Harry I. Zirna of Lockport Foot Care, PLLC. Dr. Zirna can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Tarsal tunnel syndrome, which can also be called tibial nerve dysfunction, is an uncommon condition of misfiring peripheral nerves in the foot. The tibial nerve is the peripheral nerve in the leg responsible for sensation and movement of the foot and calf muscles. In tarsal tunnel syndrome, the tibial nerve is damaged, causing problems with movement and feeling in the foot of the affected leg.

Common Cause of Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Involves pressure or an injury, direct pressure on the tibial nerve for an extended period of time, sometimes caused by other body structures close by or near the knee.
  • Diseases that damage nerves, including diabetes, may cause tarsal tunnel syndrome.
  • At times, tarsal tunnel syndrome can appear without an obvious cause in some cases.

The Effects of Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Different sensations, an afflicted person may experience pain, tingling, burning or other unusual sensations in the foot of the affected leg.
  • The foot muscles, toes and ankle become weaker, and curling your toes or flexing your foot can become difficult.
  • If condition worsens, infections and ulcers may develop on the foot that is experiencing the syndrome.

A physical exam of the leg can help identify the presence of tarsal tunnel syndrome. Medical tests, such as a nerve biopsy, are also used to diagnose the condition. Patients may receive physical therapy and prescriptive medication. In extreme cases, some may require surgery.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Lockport, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Fungal nail infections often form when fungi gets into small cracks on the toenails.  These infections cause the nail to turn brown or yellow and become thick and crumbly.  The fungi that leads to nail infections often thrive in warm and moist environments such as locker rooms, showers, and pool areas.  Because of this, it is important to always wear some form of footwear in these environments. Other common ways to prevent toenail infections include frequently washing the feet, not sharing clippers or nail files, wearing a fresh pair of socks daily, wearing breathable footwear, and not sharing footwear with others. When fungal nail infections are left untreated, they can become painful and foul smelling. Therefore, if you do believe that you may have a fungal nail infection, it is important to consult with a podiatrist for treatment options.

If left untreated, toenail fungus may spread to other toenails, skin, or even fingernails. If you suspect you have toenail fungus it is important to seek treatment right away. For more information about treatment, contact Dr. Harry I. Zirna of Lockport Foot Care, PLLC. Dr. Zirna can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.


  • Warped or oddly shaped nails
  • Yellowish nails
  • Loose/separated nail
  • Buildup of bits and pieces of nail fragments under the nail
  • Brittle, broken, thickened nail


If self-care strategies and over-the-counter medications does not help your fungus, your podiatrist may give you a prescription drug instead. Even if you find relief from your toenail fungus symptoms, you may experience a repeat infection in the future.


In order to prevent getting toenail fungus in the future, you should always make sure to wash your feet with soap and water. After washing, it is important to dry your feet thoroughly especially in between the toes. When trimming your toenails, be sure to trim straight across instead of in a rounded shape. It is crucial not to cover up discolored nails with nail polish because that will prevent your nail from being able to “breathe”.

In some cases, surgical procedure may be needed to remove the toenail fungus. Consult with your podiatrist about the best treatment options for your case of toenail fungus.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices located in Lockport, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.


Read more about Toenail Fungus
Monday, 08 March 2021 00:00

Exercising the Feet Can Be Fast and Easy

Stretching and exercising your feet is an often overlooked step in health and fitness routines. However, keeping the feet strong and flexible is important, as this can help prevent foot and ankle pain, improve your foot health, and keep you active. Though it may seem like an added burden to have to take time to stretch your feet, it can actually be quick, easy, and fun to incorporate foot exercises into your daily routine. One simple exercise that you can do to strengthen the muscles on the top of your feet and toes is towel scrunches. Set a towel down on the floor, then sit in a chair with your feet directly on top of the towel. Using only your toes, scrunch up the towel, pulling it toward you. Do this five times with each foot. For more information about exercising your feet, please consult with a podiatrist.

Stretching the feet is a great way to prevent injuries. If you have any concerns with your feet consult with Dr. Harry I. Zirna from Lockport Foot Care, PLLC. Dr. Zirna will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment.

Stretching the Feet

Stretching the muscles in the foot is an important part in any physical activity. Feet that are tight can lead to less flexibility and make you more prone to injury. One of the most common forms of foot pain, plantar fasciitis, can be stretched out to help ease the pain. Stretching can not only ease pain from plantar fasciitis but also prevent it as well. However, it is important to see a podiatrist first if stretching is right for you. Podiatrists can also recommend other ways to stretch your feet. Once you know whether stretching is right for you, here are some excellent stretches you can do.

  • Using a foam roller or any cylindrical object (a water bottle or soda can will do), roll the object under your foot back and forth. You should also exert pressure on the object. Be sure to do this to both feet for a minute. Do this exercise three times each.
  • Similar to the previous one, take a ball, such as a tennis ball, and roll it under your foot while seated and exert pressure on it.
  • Grab a resistance band or towel and take a seat. If you are using a towel, fold it length wise. Next put either one between the ball of your foot and heel and pull with both hands on each side towards you. Hold this for 15 seconds and then switch feet. Do this three times for each foot.
  • Finally hold your big toe while crossing one leg over the other. Pull the toe towards you and hold for 15 seconds. Once again do this three times per foot.

It is best to go easy when first stretching your foot and work your way up. If your foot starts hurting, stop exercising and ice and rest the foot. It is advised to then see a podiatrist for help.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices located in Lockport, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about How to Stretch Your Feet
Friday, 05 March 2021 00:00

Plantar Warts Can Be Treated!

Plantar warts are small growths that develop on parts of the feet that bear weight. They're typically found on the bottom of the foot. Don't live with plantar warts, and call us today!

Wednesday, 25 January 2017 00:00

Custom Orthotics Reduce Risk of Sports Injuries

Foot-related sports injuries are extremely common, due to overuse and repetitive strain on the feet. Plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis are two of the most common of these injuries.  Counterintuitively, those of us that only play sports on the weekends have a greater risk of suffering from heel and tendon injuries.  Orthotics can help reduce the odds that you’ll get hurt.  If you jog, play tennis or basketball, or do any kind of high ground impact activity, you should consider getting fitted for orthotics.  Custom made for your foot, they will meet your specific foot needs, and prevent further foot injury.

If you are having discomfort in your feet and would like to try orthotics, contact Dr. Harry I. Zirna from Lockport Foot Care, PLLC. Dr. Zirna can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

What Are Orthotics?

Orthotics are inserts you can place into your shoes to help with a variety of foot problems such as flat feet or foot pain. Orthotics provide relief and comfort for minor foot and heel pain but can’t correct serious biomechanical problems in your feet.

Over-the-Counter Inserts

Orthotics come in a wide variety of over-the-counter inserts that are used to treat foot pain, heel pain, and minor problems. For example, arch supports can be inserted into your shoes to help correct overarched or flat feet, while gel insoles are often used because they provide comfort and relief from foot and heel pain by alleviating pressure.

Prescription Orthotics

If over-the-counter inserts don’t work for you or if you have a more severe foot concern, it is possible to have your podiatrist prescribe custom orthotics. These high-quality inserts are designed to treat problems such as abnormal motion, plantar fasciitis, and severe forms of heel pain. They can even be used to help patients suffering from diabetes by treating foot ulcers and painful calluses and are usually molded to your feet individually, which allows them to provide full support and comfort.

If you are experiencing minor to severe foot or heel pain, it’s recommended to speak with your podiatrist about the possibilities of using orthotics. A podiatrist can determine which type of orthotic is right for you and allow you to take the first steps towards being pain-free.

If you have any questions please contact our offices located in Lockport, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Foot Orthotics

Since feet are carrying the weight of the body all day, cramps are apt to occur especially after walking, standing, or during any type of vigorous exercise. While foot cramps are often unexpected, podiatrists suggest that sufferers stop the activity that caused the cramp and immediately stretch the foot. In a seated position, use your hands to hold your toes upwards to stretch the arches and hold for 30 seconds. Putting all of your body weight on one foot can also sufficiently stretch the cramped muscles and tendons in the feet. In addition to stretching, walking around on the cramped foot can help to release tension.

Exercising your feet regularly with the proper foot wear is a great way to prevent injuries and build strength. If you have any concerns about your feet, contact Dr. Harry I. Zirna from Lockport Foot Care, PLLC. Dr. Zirna can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Exercise for Your Feet

Exercise for your feet can help you gain strength, mobility and flexibility in your feet. They say that strengthening your feet can be just as rewarding as strengthening another part of the body. Your feet are very important, and we often forget about them in our daily tasks. But it is because of our feet that are we able to get going and do what we need to. For those of us fortunate enough to not have any foot problems, it is an important gesture to take care of them to ensure good health in the long run.

Some foot health exercises can include ankle pumps, tip-toeing, toe rises, lifting off the floor doing reps and sets, and flexing the toes. It is best to speak with Dr. Zirna to determine an appropriate regimen for your needs. Everyone’s needs and bodies are different, and the activities required to maintain strength in the feet vary from individual to individual. 

Once you get into a routine of doing regular exercise, you may notice a difference in your feet and how strong they may become.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Lockport, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Exercise for Your Feet
Tuesday, 07 February 2017 00:00

Understanding Corns and Calluses

Corns and calluses can be best explained as hardened tissue on the skin, formed when the skin is subject to repeated pressure or friction. The balls of our feet are most susceptible to developing corns and calluses, however they can form anywhere. A particular well-known cause of corns and calluses are ill-fitting shoes. Suggested methods for preventing corns and calluses are to wear padding or, in some cases, orthotics in your shoes. Calluses can also be removed with a surgical procedure by your podiatrist.  If you are bothered by corns or calluses, consult with a podiatrist to determine if surgical intervention is necessary.

If you have any concerns regarding your feet and ankles, contact Dr. Harry I. Zirna of Lockport Foot Care, PLLC. Dr. Zirna will treat your foot and ankle needs.

Corns: What Are They? and How Do You Get Rid of Them?
Corns can be described as areas of the skin that have thickened to the point of becoming painful or irritating. They are often layers and layers of the skin that have become dry and rough, and are normally smaller than calluses.

Ways to Prevent Corns
There are many ways to get rid of painful corns such as wearing:

  • Well-fitting socks
  • Comfortable shoes that are not tight around your foot
  • Shoes that offer support

Treating Corns
Treatment of corns involves removing the dead skin that has built up in the specific area of the foot. Consult with Dr. Zirna to determine the best treatment option for your case of corns.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Lockport, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Corns: What Are They, and How Do You Get Rid of Them
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